22 definitions by Maverick

a severe hottie! a severe hottie! a severe hottie!
Damn that girls a lillian oconnor!!!
by Maverick January 11, 2005
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short for that is. originating from a lazy swede using it in is icq-conversations.
- i´ll do the same as today, ti nothing.
by Maverick September 10, 2004
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A: Hibadi habbi goooli ga!
B: .....Gnegh?
by Maverick August 30, 2003
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Having ones cock sucked. A simple mix of the two words.
Man he got cucked by that babe!
by Maverick December 27, 2005
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Batman holds a knocked out Robin under his arm like a bag of ice.
Batman: Delicious....
by Maverick August 29, 2003
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A woman over 18 who dances and slides over your lap for money
Jlo is a Lap Top
by Maverick October 16, 2003
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