4 definitions by Marlboro Man

–adjective, jans·ma·ism
1. Speaking in a gay tone while speaking in an above average high pitched tone.
2. Saying something that, while not overtly gay, shows that you have knowledge about things that only the fairer sex should know about (See Picnik).
3. Calling girls delicious.
Wow man, that was a jansmaism!
by Marlboro Man June 13, 2008
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Ralph Lauren, but pronounced by people that can't speak properly, or are just joking around. Also, if it's not Larph (Ralph Lauren), then it sucks.
If it's not Larph, it sucks dick.
by Marlboro Man January 6, 2007
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Ralph Lauren, but pronounced by people that can't speak properly, or are just joking around. Also, if it's not Larph (Ralph Lauren), then it sucks.
If it's not Larph, it sucks dick.
by Marlboro Man January 7, 2007
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A mixture of flour and water that new moonshiners use to seal off their cheap, crappy made still.
God damn’t Pete grab the cookie we’re losing that good liquor!
by Marlboro Man June 25, 2019
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