6 definitions by Mark Wilson Jr

the top of the line insult. As in your the Class A of all bastards or any other insult you wanna call him/her. You can put Class A in front of almost any insult
Your a real Class A Dickhead Your a real Class A Bastard
by Mark Wilson Jr February 17, 2009
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A cocky and sassy comeback that usually leaves people speechless
person1: Hey Shut the hell up. person2: Don't you tell me to shut up. person1: uhh I think i just did. person2: ................
by Mark Wilson Jr February 17, 2009
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Another word to go into the intercourse category it means to fuck
Person1: dude i was totally Crushing Cheeks last night Person2: were those Cheeks fine Person1:Fine as Fine could be
by Mark Wilson Jr February 20, 2009
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commonly used in western PA. When somebody farts unusually loud and it smells horrible.
FART!!!!!!!!!! Dude Go Wipe
by Mark Wilson Jr February 17, 2009
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A term invented by the great gordo its the new "thats what she said
Person 1:its pretty hard
Person 2: haha thats what she said
Person 3: yeah in my pants
by Mark Wilson Jr February 13, 2010
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To fuck a chick so hard that she has trouble walking in the morning
Person 1: Dude I wrecked her shit last night.
Person 2: she must be in a wheel chair bro
Person 1: yeah she wont be walking for awhile
by Mark Wilson Jr December 14, 2009
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