14 definitions by Marcus Intalex

What Tom Green puts his bum on.
"My bum is on the Sweeeeeeeeeeedish."
by Marcus Intalex May 17, 2003
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"She was fine, until she got zapped with the sounds of the Low Frequency Bootilator."
by Marcus Intalex May 19, 2003
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Generic positive adjective. Synonymous with "cool" or "rad." It is generally accepted that the word was invented by Seattle-area Jungle DJ "Notorious Abe," while he was playing Tony Hawk. Common usage of the slang is limited primarily to the South Puget Sound Area, where Abe's cru and friends picked up on the word and brought it into common use.
"This video game is the bommalusch."

"No you got it all wrong, I am the supreme bommalusch."

"That's a bommalusch shirt you've got on, Olivia."

"Matrix Reloaded is the most Bommalusch movie EVER!"
by Marcus Intalex May 17, 2003
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Short for the Alaskan Way Viaduct, the double-deck freeway that lines Seattle's waterfront. The Viaduct is slowly crumbling into a million pieces due to earthquake damage, and will most likely be replaced in the next few years.
"The best view in Seattle is from the top of the Viaduct."
by Marcus Intalex May 17, 2003
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"Man that Notoriusabe sure can rock the decks."

"Oh, Notorious Abe is so hot, I get dripping wet just thinking about him."

"Where is that Drum'N'Bass coming from?"
by Marcus Intalex May 17, 2003
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Short for the Eisenhower Expressway in Chicago, also known as Interstate 290.
"Ahh shit, the Eisenhower is jammed AGAIN."
by Marcus Intalex May 17, 2003
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The street in Tacoma, Washington where most of the hookers and prostitutes congregate. South Tacoma Way is near McChord Air Force Base and Fort Lewis, two of the nation's largest military installations. As such, it sports the largest adult entertainment district in the Pacific Northwest, a sprawling metropolis of porn shops, strip clubs, and streetwalkers.
"My girlfriend works at a joint on South Tacoma Way."
by Marcus Intalex May 17, 2003
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