8 definitions by Mallate

Tha sexiest gyal of tha world! (And also tha craziest!) LOL
by Mallate May 23, 2003
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A strange young man who can be found lurking in the shadows and who only comes out when necessary.

He keeps very quiet and then will attack you with his mindless, scarring words.
That Detective Top-dollar Cowboy Cassius Claudius Klar Pinwheel Kane PHDMD (in gynechology and psychology)just keeps getting sneakier and sneakier!
by Mallate April 2, 2005
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He is a very bright detective with a PHD in pyschology and a MD in gynocology. His head is about a thick as a piece of paper. Fuck nigger assfuck?
Detective Cowboy Cassius Claudius Klar P.H.D M.D is fucked up (claim mallory and nate)
by Mallate March 31, 2005
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Alright. So a few names were added, but you're going to have to deal!
Detective TopDollar Cowboy Cassius Claudius Klar Weatherman Technicion Pinwheel Kane PHDMD is sexy.
by Mallate April 13, 2005
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