2 definitions by Lucky Lori

A land full of dairy farms and decrepit industrial towns. It's either one or the other, no in between.
Riley: Guess which state I live in.
Jim: ok.
Riley: The smog is so thick sometimes I can't go outside to play.
Jim: Obviously Pennsylvania.
by Lucky Lori February 6, 2022
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A town totally encompassed by Liberty University. Anything unrelated to LU in the town is irrelevant. The downtown looks like an off-brand version of Steubenville, Ohio, and desperately needs some TLC.
Bob: Hey where are you from?
Susan: Lynchburg, Virginia.
Bob: Oh that's where LU is right?
Susan: There's more to Lynchburg than LU.
Bob: No there's not.
by Lucky Lori February 6, 2022
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