8 definitions by Loose dolly

A human representation of a cross between the Emu and kangaroo animals usually found on an island at future music festival
Did you see Loza had discovered the Emroo on the Future music island
by Loose dolly April 2, 2011
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A gangsta, tough guy, or bad dude so committed to getting to the fight as quick as possible that he will run out of the house in his underwear to punch on!!!!!
by Loose dolly April 2, 2011
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Keepin ur pubes old school on ur minge!

To push the bush means to fight for what you believe in with persistance and determination...never give up because the hair on ur minge doesnt....
A minge is best au natural so Push the Bush and avoid forever waxing and IPL appointments!
by Loose dolly February 21, 2010
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A sporty vag is when you can use your vagina in game play when playing kinect.
Oh i just smashed that ball with my sporty vag and scored points!
by Loose dolly April 2, 2011
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term used to define the anal sex one would have with a guy with a pronounced bent cock
girl be careful with that one, he gotta a poo scraper
by Loose dolly February 20, 2010
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Impatient, toe tapping individual that refuses to let you drop the c bomb and probably sleeps with someone famous but won't admit it .
She was a Snarly, dancing on the floor when she impatiently started tapping her foot waiting for the crowd to recognise her but instead the just thought she was a c bomb
by Loose dolly March 27, 2013
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The musical genre of country and pop mashed together, so you know its country style but they have pop'd it up so it gets on the radio
Shania Twain, Taylor Swift are examples of artists who sing Cuntop
by Loose dolly February 20, 2010
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