23 definitions by Lolorator360

who look like among us beings and have a ps4 triangle icon
and they have a secret they have a point to the mask
dont tell them what the point of the mask is but i know it,

Only a small percentage of people who watch squid game are actually subscribed. so consider subbing.
Friend: yo whats the point of squid game guards wearing masks lmao
Me: oh because only a small percentage of people who watch squid game are actually subscribed.
Friend: isnt that the shit that dream says?
by Lolorator360 November 13, 2021
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awesome pretty cool he's based and he doesnt like fandoms lol. his videos are addicting to watch
Friend: see the new icey vid?
Me: ye i did.
Friend: ur such an iceyskatey stan lmaoo
by Lolorator360 November 19, 2021
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a white skinny 17 year old introvert who loves using reddit all day probably uses discord

They usually think someone like pewdiepie or Keanu Reeves is god and says REE wholesome 100 or some bullshit unfunny jokes. They always act like they are too good for social media but they forgetting their own unsocial media app is also terrible. they hate twitter tiktok fortnite but they like Minecraft
cythix: stfu you Reddit wanker gosh ur so cringe.
by Lolorator360 October 30, 2021
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worst memes i've seen in my life the creatures of r/memes love to call moderators gay and finding something that isnt reposted is kinda rare but r/dankmemes is even worse
reddit bozo: ehehe r/memes very funni
Me: stop it get some help.
by Lolorator360 November 17, 2021
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An awesome troll who likes trolling furries and cosplayers by the one phrase that triggers everyone the most, no its not 'nO yOu" its who? cares. or what? EVERRR
Dazedwoozy: who?
Dazedwoozy: cares..
by Lolorator360 October 30, 2021
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literally, none cares if you asked or not. go back and crawl into ur mom's womb you fucking fetus. You aren't important in this world for everyone to care about ur opinion. Nobody cares about you and let's keep it that way none wants ur shitty opinion. if you didn't ask fuck off The world doesn't revolve around you. I can say whatever the fuck and I couldn't care less about your shitty-ass opinion. Everything you say isn't important.
guy: dude I didnt ask.... at all
Me: you aren't even that important in this world I mean did ur parents ask for you?
by Lolorator360 December 4, 2021
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some annoying v1nce clone who always says "quite possibly" and always tries to force his voice deeper because he wants to walk talk and act like v1nce. He usually ends his videos with: Leave a like or else this pancake will go under your bed or something simillar to that which is ironic because he just calls some pngtubers cringe and bad yet he still does the whole 2019 clickbait youtuber type persona
loafy shorts: unfunny joke frost is so cringe!! also leave a like or this spider will eat you
Skeletons: bro were too tired of roasting jellybean time to shit on this cheeseball
by Lolorator360 April 12, 2022
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