5 definitions by Lluevos Rancheros

The type of Swing dance from which all other forms of swing dance are derived. Consists of combinations of both six and eight count patterns and is typically danced to Big Band or Jazz music. Lindy Hop is named after Lindenburg's "Hop" across the Atlantic Ocean.
Why Salsa when you can Lindy Hop?
by Lluevos Rancheros August 10, 2003
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A dance similar to Lindy Hop however done in a slot and to more modern music like blues, funk, and pop.
Why Lindy Hop when you can West Coast Swing?
by Lluevos Rancheros August 10, 2003
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Someone who does West Coast Swing typically wearing black and rhinestones.
You can tell she's a Westie because she's wearing sparkles and I heard her throwing up in the bathroom.
by Lluevos Rancheros August 10, 2003
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From a gaudy type of belt, "Kippy Belt" worn by Westies containing an inordinant amount of rhinestones. Used to describe anything that sparkles.
"You've got the most kippy eyes."
by Lluevos Rancheros August 10, 2003
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