11 definitions by Llenar13

prejudice, disdain, or hatred towards Sureños (gang), most often associated with ethnic chauvinism or bigotry
The locomofobic residents of the affluent community were outraged upon learning, through the Nextdoor Ap, that Sureños had moved into their neighborhood.
Her father expressed his locomofobia when he saw the blue rag on the bald head of his daughter's new boyfriend, Pelón.
by Llenar13 December 8, 2022
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n. methamphetamine.
v. the act of being under the influence of methamphetamine; activities one does while under the influence of methamphetamine.
adj. of or like gerp or characteristics of gerp
Last night I got some bomb gerp so I got all gerped and gerped my face off out in the garage for about 14 hours. The garage is totally gerp now, there's no hiding it.
by Llenar13 November 17, 2008
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Shortened nickname for piezo, a glass pipe or tube used for the vaporization & inhalation of methamphetamines. Commonly given clever aliases to disguise the actual purpose of the apparatus such as "Mystic Vase," "Incense Oil Burner," and "Oildale Baby Rattle."
Nate uses the PasserFlyer (TM) to pass the zo full of gerp to fellow gerpadors, thus eliminating the whole "effort" part.
by Llenar13 April 8, 2010
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The physical, mental, and emotional condition one achieves through prolonged periods (generally multiple consecutive days) of sleep deprivation, malnutrition, & dehydration while under the influence of methamphetamines. Symptoms vary among individual users. However, common effects are delirium, schizophrenia, irritability, anxiety, mood swings, irrational & compulsive dis-assembly of household appliances & devices, chronic back & neck misalignment, and ill-advised barter of personal possessions (not necessarily belonging to the one affected by the condition).
The scatter-brained tweaker was obviously on a good one as he carpet surfed his car & sifted through the vacuum bag for meth on day five.
by Llenar13 January 30, 2010
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a mental state in which one is subconsciously compliant with instructions, suggestions, and/or commands. Typically, the slapnotism is adminisered following an exhaustive effort to subdue an insubordinate individual who is unresponsive to conventional methods of agreeablity where reasoning, logic, and acceptable behavior cannot be achieved. Common techniques include the open-handed palm strike, the back-handed knuckle rap, and the slapper-cut; all of which are targeted towards cranial or facial pressure points in order to pulsate the slapnotist's objective message throughout the neurotransimitters in the subject's brain.
My old lady needed to get slapnotized when she started causing a fuss at the Wienerschnitzel before someone called the cops on us.
by Llenar13 August 12, 2011
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The state of physical and mental exhaustion following an over-extended period of sleep deprivation and/or an overwhelming exertion of energy due to the ingestion of methamphetamines. Typically the subsequent course of action for the afflicted is to "fall out," as voluntary bodily functions cease to operate in proper working order and immanent slumber causes loss of consciousness to ensue.
Carlos: Do I look burnt out, dog?
Phil: Yeah, you look like hell... Do you have any more dope?
by Llenar13 January 25, 2011
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the fine filmy layer of greasy perspiration and methamphetamine residue that seeps out of one's pores after ingesting methamphetamine. Not quite sweat, speed stick does not drip or take on a liquid state. Rather it coats one's skin like a glossy glaze.
I could tell he was on a good one once his skin accumulated speed stick.
by Llenar13 May 21, 2010
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