3 definitions by Lets_Be_Honest_shall_we?

A Paisley is a complicated girl. Paisley loves to make others happy and often gives more than she has to them. She is very generous and very witty. A Paisley has a better outlook on the world usually. And deals with problems very ‘adult like’. She has a quick temper and forgives but doesn’t forget so getting a second chance with a Paisley is a very difficult task as she is very skeptical and will turn you down if you disrespect her. A paisley can be very stubborn but this is also an amazing quality because she knows what her values are and isn’t afraid to speak up to defend them. Paisley loves a good debate and controversial topics always interest her. She is definitely not a perfect person and she makes mistakes a lot; but when she gets called out she will change her actions and prove it. She is often a Taurus or an Aries with Blue/Green eyes and has long eyelashes. Usually people like Paisley, you either hate her or love her and she is fine with either. A paisley would have a hard time finding her self worth but when she does watch out because that is a strong women if I’ve ever seen one. Paisleys come in all shapes and sizes and every single one is beautiful. She wants to help others find their self worth and is furious at injustice.
There is this girl in my Chem class who finaly called out *name* for being a douche.

Oh dang who?

I think her name was Paisley I dunno.
by Lets_Be_Honest_shall_we? June 15, 2023
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Brode is a boy who is naturally charismatic. He is shy but when you get to know him he is the life of the party! Brode is hurting inside but will never show it, he is very attractive and a lot of girls secretly like him! Brode is a blonde who loves skateboarding but has WAY to many other hobbies he is good at as well. He is always dipping his toes into something new and exiting!
Dang girl who is that?
The boy with the book?
Thats brode ❤️
by Lets_Be_Honest_shall_we? June 27, 2022
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ElliAnn is a complicated person. She is hard on herself and sometimes takes that out on others diminishing their self-concept. Sometimes she may not know she is even doing it. She is a very kind person at heart, and truly does want the best for others. She has a hard time expressing her feelings appropriately but is a very deep and loving person. Her love language is quality time and words of affirmation. ElliAnns are usually either Capricorns or Aries which have track records of being excellent advice givers and great judges of character: If you are an ElliAnn consider how you chose to treat those around you and how you speak to other and make sure it is with love and compassion. But overall; you are a lovely person. And you deserve the world.
Oh look it’s ElliAnn remember her?

Yeah, those were some good times.
by Lets_Be_Honest_shall_we? June 15, 2023
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