30 definitions by Lazarus Ciccone

Much like the brown belt (fucking ass for the first time) or the yellow belt (partaking in watersports for the first time, the Black belt is an honour bestowed upon you after copulating with a black person for the first time.
(white male) "Gosh Trent, I got my black belt last night with that hot black girl Laquanda. It was super-awesome."

(white female) "Hey Amanda - I got my black belt yesterday when Dontarrious came over after school. I really want to stick it to my Republican golf-playing father."
by Lazarus Ciccone December 21, 2004
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Canada's lone NBA team. Not always a success on the court, but always a fiasco off of it. Has some of the best fans in sports, but often is disrespected by both American and Canadian media members who couldn't find their ass with both hands. Finally rid themselves of the cancer known as Vince Carter. God's basketball team along with Syracuse.
"The Toronto Raptors are going to be contenders for the next decade. Book it."

"People who disrespect the Toronto Raptors know nothing. They are either out-of-the-loop Americans or clueless Canadians who love hockey so much they have wet dreams about Pierre McGuire."
by Lazarus Ciccone January 4, 2005
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A horizontally challenged bus that people have become accustomed to watching pick up developmentally challenged children and adults. Cleverly worked into an insult when someone does something stupid.
"What the hell are you doing pissing on my rug? I didn't see a short bus outside"

"The short bus picks up my neighbour's kid every morning. He looks like that banjo boy from 'Deliverance.' In other news, I have a first-class ticket to hell."
by Lazarus Ciccone December 27, 2005
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In the office I work at there's a black guy who walks around seemingly doing nothing except carrying papers and mackin' on white girls. I asked my friend what he did and he didn't know so we determined his job was Chief Executive Officer of fucking white women.
Yo Knuckler, check it out the CEO is conductin' bizaness.
by Lazarus Ciccone December 10, 2004
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1. God's NCAA basketball team

2. A medium-sized city in upstate New York
Cuse is in da house!!!

"I need some kicks. Let's go check out Foot Locker at the Carousel Center."
by Lazarus Ciccone December 22, 2004
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Term for a male who is not gay, but exhibits overtly gay tendencies. Suggests while heterosexual, he possesses a homosexual bone which can vary in size depending on how pillowbiteresque his tendencies are.
"Sean has a hot girlfriend and fucks a lot of honeyz on the side, but his tight clubwear clothing and love of "Gilmore Girls" suggests he has a larger-than-average gay bone."
by Lazarus Ciccone January 11, 2005
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Defines the plain and unexciting, based on the perceived dullness of an actual cheese sandwich. Often used in a relationship sense - i.e. a male/female who may be underachieving in terms of the attractiveness of their partner. In a more simple form, can be used by self-styled playas to question the excitement factor of committed, long-term relationships in general.
1. "Man, your girlfriend's ass is the size of Montana and her skin is the shade of newly fallen snow. Don't you get sick of eatin' that cheese sandwich?"

2. "I can't commit to her or anyone. I don't wanna be munchin' on a cheese sandwich for the rest of my life."
by Lazarus Ciccone September 1, 2005
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