26 definitions by Larry and Rex and Benny

This is when you get a group of people and just go destroy a bar you don’t like. Maybe the bartender was rude. It doesn’t matter. You can walk on your check or upper deck the ladies room. The important part is to be as annoying as possible to piss off the place that wronged you and you do it as a team.
Yo graham! Let’s car wash Ivan’s bar tomorrow. His shit is becoming tiresome. I’ll tell you what. I’ll upper deck the women’s room and you ask for the check and we both walk out after he prints it. That bitch.
by Larry and Rex and Benny October 2, 2018
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This is when no less than 9 homeless guys pile into the back seat of your car (generally a Prius) then lay down on top of each other stacking one by one then jack each other off.
Hey Lou! That there fuck party we had behind the dumpster last week damn near broke my dick off! Maybe tonight when everyone gets here we can just jump in this Prius and do an old fashioned Stack and Jack...So we can have a night off and I can ice my dick...
by Larry and Rex and Benny August 1, 2018
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This is simple. You chug a greyhound. It’s vodka and grapefruit juice. You have to use two straws and and Grey Goose vodka. It fucks you up.
Yo Sammy! This bartender made me do 4 Greyhound Racers last night! That shit hits you fast. I totally blacked out and fell asleep mid blowjob because of that asshole. It was awesome!
by Larry and Rex and Benny July 30, 2018
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This is when you are nailing a girl from behind, preferably a stranger. Then, you make a noise and quietly apologize for farting during sex when really you have taken three to four stink bombs and crushed them on the floor. You then don a gas mask and continue fucking her from behind until you finish while she endures the smell.
Yo Jake! Remember that bitch at the bar who was taking a piss in the men’s room sink? She seemed like common street trash so I got smashed enough to bang her and threw in The Iraqi Stink Bomb so I could video it, steal her phone send to all her friends when she was cleaning off the stench in my bathroom.
by Larry and Rex and Benny November 20, 2019
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This is when you aren’t worthy of fighting. You’re not even worthy of getting your ass kicked. This is when you are a mouthy little maggot who doesn’t know when to shut up and you say the wrong thing to the wrong guy. Then that guy decides to embarrass you and beat your ass with a stapler. He won’t even hit you with it but he’ll put 4 or 5 staples in your ass in front of the viewing public just to embarrass you for the bitch that you are while you cry like a baby. Everyone watching is laughing because this beatdown was a long time coming. You should be ashamed.
Hey Nate! Remember that time when...

Fuck you Ricky! I told you, stop talking or I’ll beat your ass! But you’re not even good enough for that! Because...when you’re a bitch I’m gonna just staple gun your ass. Bitch.

Only the sentence doesn’t really happen. Nate just tags Ricky with a stapler until he cries.
by Larry and Rex and Benny August 5, 2018
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This is when a terrorist prisoner Is stewing around in his cell with nothing better to do. He’s feeling bored so he goes and chats with his other loser terrorist buddies obviously plotting something.

Then later he goes into his neighbors cell and begins ass fucking him and as he’s about to cum he pulls out and seemlessly shoves a stick of dynamite in his ass blowing him to smithereens.

The other terrorists golf clap.
“Yo Mustafo. This prison shit sucks. I’m gonna give the new guy the Guantanamo unholy sneak attack after lunch. Get some entertainment going around here.”

“That’s gonna be messy, but it sure beats movie night. I can’t watch Shawshank again.”
by Larry and Rex and Benny January 30, 2020
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This is a very specific situation when you are in a meeting at work with just one too many cups of coffee. You need to get out of there but don’t know what to do.
Jimbo, my man, they called a meeting just after my second pot of coffee. It was a brutal two hours. I was sweating the whole time and a little even came out on the drawers. You’ve been there. It was the classic case of The Cuban Missile Crisis! Fuck
by Larry and Rex and Benny September 26, 2018
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