156 definitions by LXXLoveRoulette

When Kim Dracula or one of their fans says or does something that inspires more things about Kim Dracula.
That fan art kimspired me to make my own!

Kim's New outfit kimspired me for halloween.
by LXXLoveRoulette July 25, 2023
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1: Anyone who is a Kim Dracula fan that uses Discord.

2: Kim Dracula fans in the Discord server.
Being in the discord has made me a Kimcordian!

We're all kimcordians!
by LXXLoveRoulette July 25, 2023
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The language or dialect spoken by the fans of artist Kim Dracula.
You have to know kim-nacular to understand a Kim Dracula fan.
by LXXLoveRoulette July 26, 2023
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1: The community of Kim Dracula fans.

2: A group of Kim Dracula fans.
We are apart of the Kimmunity.
by LXXLoveRoulette July 24, 2023
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What Kim Dracula fans call cute little bumble bees with fuzzy butts.
Awwe, it's a Kimble Bee!

Kimble bees are so cute!
by LXXLoveRoulette August 1, 2023
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The intense feeling of happiness or emotional euphoria upon experiencing anything associated with artist Kim Dracula.
This music video made me so drappy!

I am extremely drappy from all the Kim Dracula content.
by LXXLoveRoulette July 24, 2023
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The intense feeling of happiness or emotional euphoria upon experience anything associated with artist Kim Dracula.
This music video made me so drappy!

I am extremely drappy from all the Kim Dracula content.
by LXXLoveRoulette July 24, 2023
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