3 definitions by LIL RED

a fugly girl. Most of the time thinks she is the shit but everyone hates her and she is a roody poo
That girl thinks she is so cool and pretty she aint nothin but an ole pluck duck
by LIL RED April 18, 2006
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when you are burnt really bad and the only way to discribe it is boined. when you are boined you are fucked up
damn the wasnt a burn that was a boin
not burn boined
by LIL RED April 18, 2006
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a terd that makes a circle all the way around the toilet.
It's really long and could be painful and could cause severe hemroids.
Damn Candace made a terdcle in the toilet and blamed it on courtnee
by LIL RED April 18, 2006
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