4 definitions by Koolio Kid

Someone who has a really enormous forehead. Can also be called "Captain Forehead"! Also has huge ears that can closely resemble dinner plates.
Bob: Dude are you balding?
Jim: No I'm just trying to be an Ethan.
Bob: What about your ears?
Jim: Ethan again.
by Koolio Kid May 14, 2008
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One who breaks things notoriously such as screen doors. A klutz in other words.
Dude, that's as bad as a Beauman.
by Koolio Kid May 4, 2008
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Someone who has no balance whatsoever and can not stand up on a bus and ends up falling on everybody.
Bob: Damnit get off me Jim, we're on a bus for Godsakes!
Jim: Sorry Bob just pulled a Beauman.
by Koolio Kid May 14, 2008
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louis a short french guy that is someone's booty call.
You smell like a french louis.
by Koolio Kid May 13, 2008
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