3 definitions by Knott John

Kick ass punk band from Keighley, Bradford.

Not advertising here, but I just can't be ass writing more, so I point you toward

Person A: I went to see breene at the exchange (which is a bar/club kinda thing in Bradford, fuckk it, I like it and I'm a fucking aspie) last night...

Me: yeah, they rock, I know the drummer (kurt) from college
by Knott John April 2, 2005
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Using a shitter and a Laptop, PDA or Bathroom computer while using a wireless network for internet access.

The use of an Apple Powerbook is best as they get much warmer than other laptops which keeps you knees warm.

other names - Warshit, Warshitting, Warpoop, Warpooping
I'm war shitting while using my Powerbook G4
by Knott John April 2, 2005
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kick up the arse or to require a kick up the arse

Origin - Mick Sugden
by Knott John October 19, 2004
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