13 definitions by KillerByte

having the qualities of something which is gangster, pimp, etc... Ghetto Fabulous.
danielle: hahahhahahahah
me: in florida everyone was all g-fab too
danielle: i wanna be ghetto fab!
by KillerByte March 12, 2005
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The guy from progz.org... Commonly believed to be a black hat hacker, although this myth is indeed false.
KillerByte wouldn't give me a 3char, that stingy bastard...
by KillerByte January 26, 2004
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A phrase of departure, used in good manner. A variation of peace. Translates to good-bye.
John: Yo I'm out
Raph: pete
by KillerByte February 1, 2006
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Ther act of being a douche bag, or the posession of qualities which are of a douche bag.
Fem: Look what Kevin Wolff did!
John: That was an act of pure and unadulterated douche baggery. Tisk tisk...
by KillerByte October 19, 2004
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A girl who will, without hesitation, let someone engage with her in anal penetration
John: Oh my god, Kathy let me fuck her in the ass while her best friend was in the room.
Raph: She's such a butt slut!
by KillerByte October 19, 2004
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Bastardization of gangster. Gankstar is used to refer to those who try to be gangsta, usually white kids from the suburbs. See also wigger. Can also be used as an exclaimation.
Christopher: Yo yo shorty you be lookin' mad fly dawg like hella tight yo!
Carl: What a gankstar, he thinks he's a pimp and the girls walk right by...

James: Holy shit, look what Carl did!
Jessica: Gankstar!
by KillerByte July 27, 2004
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1. Hooking up with a girl on the side, or using a girl for nothing but sex. The girl you keep on the side, just for sex and/or dome; a mistress.
Raph: Yo dude I saw you and Jackie kiss, is she your girlfriend?

John: Nah, that's just my sideplay chick.
by KillerByte October 27, 2005
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