25 definitions by Ken Gman

The official designation of the 8th Fighter Wing of the USAF, located at Kunsan Air Base, Republic of Korea. It's not the end of the world, but, by God you can see it from there.
So, I hear you got orders to the Kun. Welcome to the Wolf Pack.

The pinnacle of aviation is in the Wolf Pack.
by Ken Gman February 18, 2008
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When your out with someone elses wife/husband/spouse and they see you.
St. Peter: how did you die?
Joe: I died from Seenus
St. Peter: dont you mean sinusitis?
Joe: no, I mean Seenus, I was out with Bill's wife, and he Seenus.
by Ken Gman March 4, 2008
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Junky POS car that gangsta wannabee's ride around in, not realizing what is obvious to others.
by Ken Gman March 6, 2008
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Combination stank of swamp nuts/twat, unwashed/wiped ass, armpit, dirty socks, road grime and bad breath producing a funk akin to a bag of rotten potatos. Usually associated with truck drivers that have been on the road for extended periods without a shower.
Shop Planner: what the hell is that nasty funky ass smell?
Parts Coordinator: oh, that was potato butt! that driver never takes a shower!
by Ken Gman March 7, 2008
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Arizona slang for an elderly person, usually a snow bird. Recognizable by the cotton on the top and stick body.

Old person who cannot drive for shit.
Damn dude, you almost got ran over by the qtip in the Cadillac.
by Ken Gman March 5, 2008
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That jerk at work who, no matter how good they have it, will still find something to bitch about.

The kind of person that would complain about a free lunch.

Someone who wants a paycheck, but dont want to work for it.
Dude, if you were to be knighted, you'd be "Sir Whines Alot."
by Ken Gman March 5, 2008
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An art form. The act of farting in one location and then dragging it down range with complete innocence. Similar to crop dusting which is done in an office setting.

To tow a fart along and act like you didnt do it.

A Phantom farter.
Damn Joe, who did the chuck wagon down the hallway?
by Ken Gman February 21, 2008
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