39 definitions by Kelmeer23

The secular left is a group of left-wingers (ranging from the center-left to far-left) who support secularism. While the secular left is just that, and has no defined cultural or economic values, secular leftists (in the west at least, often) hold socially progressive and culturally liberal values such as supporting abortion rights and lgbt rights due to the religious right's opposition towards such.
The secular left is noted for promoting culturally liberal worldviews to spite the Christian right. Although, just like the secular right exists, you can be on the secular left and conservative or progressive, although most of its followers in the West are progressive socially.
by Kelmeer23 May 13, 2023
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A dengoid is someone who shills the Chinese government on the internet and adheres to the ideology of dengism. Although, Pinkies and dengoids are different because pinkies are the Chinese alt-right, while dengoids can just be found posting misinformation on the CCP without promoting things like racism and han chauvinism.
These 50 cent army dengoid retards keep posting false information on China, and I absolutely am tired of it.
by Kelmeer23 January 31, 2023
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A community full of autistic retards who think they are political experts because they took the political compass quiz (or more commonly 9axes quiz) to guess what they're ideology is. It's the most stupid idea that you've ever heard and it's full of politically illiterate dumbasses

Also quark is a dumb autistic retard who needs to neck himself
Polcompballers are retards
by Kelmeer23 January 12, 2022
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Anti-Chinese sentiment, also known as Sinophobia, is a hatred of things related to China, Chinese culture, and Chinese people. This relates to Anti-East Asian sentiment, which is a branch of Anti-Asian sentiment. It's often considered to be a form of racism. Although, this is to be distinguished from anti-dengism, which opposes the Chinese government and not Chinese people.
The amount of Anti-Chinese sentiment present within these communities ever since the virus began is insane, there have been of attacks against Chinese people who aren't even involved.
by Kelmeer23 February 16, 2023
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Reddit Atheism is a type of atheism practiced by redditors were they ruthlessly attack religion at any given opportunity. Reddit atheists have a lot overlap with reddit liberalism, since many reddit atheists are liberals due to the religious people they are spitting being often conservative.
Reddit atheism is practiced by redditors who are atheists and don't like religion.
by Kelmeer23 May 22, 2023
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The most unbiased and trust-worthy subreddit for political compass memes. All opinions on this subreddit are equally represented and everyone gets along with each other very well with very little infighting in the community.

Overall it's a very based and wholesome subreddit, with some of the most intelligent dialogue and in-depth political discussion I've ever seen, truly a place to check out for my fellow enlightened folk.
Have you seen r/politicalcompassmemes? Political compass memes is truly the last baston of intelligent political discussion on the internet, especially reddit.
by Kelmeer23 January 19, 2022
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Anti-Dengism refers to being opposed to the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) and its endorsers. Anti-Dengism is not to be confused with Anti-Chinese sentiment, which oppose Chinese people for being Chinese, and is a form of racism. Although, some radical anti-dengists would consider it fine to be racist against Chinese people who shill the CCP on the internet.
Anti-Dengism is opposing the Chinese government, Anti-Chinese sentiment is a form of racism
by Kelmeer23 February 16, 2023
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