4 definitions by KaypiGames

An amazing Dead by Daylight YouTuber whose vocabulary consists entirely of two words: cunt and cutie.
HybridPanda: I was in a video with No0b3 once - it was about how not to be toxic.
OchiDo: Fuck you, Panda! You can't take away No0berino's toxicity!
by KaypiGames December 31, 2019
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To suggest that somebody engages in oral sex with you - you are asking for the "head" of their penis.
You're dead, I'm well fed
Give me death or give me head

-Bang Bang, Green Day
by KaypiGames December 4, 2018
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The best Green Day song, featured in the album American Idiot and the musical Broadway Idiot.
It starts with a rhythm on the bongos, before leading into a beautiful song. In the musical this song is used to represent the destruction of Johnny and Whatsername's affair as Johnny accepts that he is not the rebel he wants to be.
Although the lyrics are sad, the song is a beautiful creation and another reason why Green Day are one of the greatest bands (if not the greatest) of all time.
She's an extraordinary girl
In an ordinary world
And she can't seem to get away

He lacks the courage in his mind
Like a child left behind
Like a pet left in the rain

She's all alone again
Wiping the tears from her eyes
Some days he feels like dying
She gets so sick of crying

She sees the mirror of herself
And image she wants to sell
To anyone willing to buy

He steals the image in her kiss
From her hearts apocalypse
From the one called what's her name

She's all alone again
Wiping the tears from her eyes
Some days she feels like dying
She gets so sick of crying

She's all alone again
Wiping the tears from her eyes
Some days she feels like dying
Some days she's not worth trying
Now that they're both up on it
She gets so sick of crying

She's an extraordinary girl
An extraordinary girl
An extraordinary girl
An extraordinary girl
by KaypiGames December 13, 2018
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