30 definitions by Kate Sjostrand

The middle initial of Jesus Christ, short for "Hector". The middle initial is seldom embarked, unless one is particularly furious, in which case one might invoke the power of Jesus H Christ rather than having God damn the applicable subject.
Ted: Did you see the size of that ass?

Ralph: Jesus H Fucking Christ!
by Kate Sjostrand February 21, 2008
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A Latino variant of the word written, describing the formation (as characters or symbols) on a surface (paper, cardboard, wall, etc.) with an instrument (pen, pencil, can of spraypaint, etc.). The refusal to enunciate the double “t” sound is most often utilized by Latino women.
Maria: Should I write the le'er to the warden?

Teresa: I've already wri'en it.
by Kate Sjostrand February 22, 2008
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