13 definitions by KatChamber

1- mexican slang for penis, dick.

2- it is also used for cursing like "vete a la verga" would be something like "go fuck yoursef".

3- it also can be used to descrive something very chingon. Most of the times when you want to descrive something real bad-ass using this word you add an s at the end of the word making it sound plural.

1- look at my verga its fucking big!!

2- what the verga?!

3- that song is fucking vergas man!
by KatChamber August 26, 2007
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mexican slang to descrive something extremely awesome.
wey!, your car is fuckig chingon!!

by KatChamber August 19, 2007
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hey wey, take out some money and lets go get some cawamas!
by KatChamber August 19, 2007
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Patric: "uhh, what should i do to be a punk?"
SickBoy: "you can start by having a mind of your own"
Patric: "they dont say that on Mtv"
SickBoy: "youre such a loser"
by KatChamber August 6, 2007
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mexican slang.
it is used for cursing like "pinchi rasista" would be something like "fucking racist"
it comes from the word pinche, an adjective. Thats how someone that has the lower position within a company is called. the word pinche can be used for cursing also.
1- Robin: DUde what happened with the girl that you used to go out with?!
Kevin: dont you ever dare to remind me that pinchi slut again!!
2- What the verga do you dink youre doing with that pinche cucumber?!?!!!!!?
by KatChamber August 28, 2007
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mexican slang.
a verb.
to hang out with yourself, another person, or as many people as you want and drink beer or any other acoholic beverage.
dude, we should go to SickBoy's house and invite him to pistear some cawamas!!
by KatChamber August 26, 2007
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