25 definitions by K-Dogg1

Gopnik capital of the world, also a place where a meteorite exploded that one time.
Guy 1: I'm from Russia

Guy 2: Moscow?

Guy 1: Chelyabinsk

Guy 2: oh the place where the meteorite exploded in 2015, must've been terrifying comrade.
by K-Dogg1 November 17, 2021
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Indie folk for people who never heard The Microphones or Neutral Milk Hotel
Guy 1: man I love indie folk

Guy 2: like The Lumineers

Guy 1: nah I listen to real indie folk like The Microphones and Neutral Milk Hotel

Guy 2: Neutral what Hotel?
by K-Dogg1 September 1, 2021
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When truths and lies are mixed together, and you can't tell which is which.

Also when reality and unreality are not easy to distinguish, due to you taking a shit ton of hallucinogens, or just having a complete psychotic breakdown.
Doesn't matter what your political views are, we all been purplepilled before.

I took more than enough DMT to kill a horse, and now i'm purplepilled.
by K-Dogg1 March 29, 2019
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People on the internet that think they're Sherlock Holmes but are actually pure fucking cancer.
Web sleuths thought Brian Loundrie was hiding out in his house and his parents were helping him when the dude was dead the whole fucking time.
by K-Dogg1 November 13, 2021
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A nice little resort town that would be a great vacation destination for the whole family.
Me: let's go fishing at the lake near Silent Hill.

My friend: i don't know man, I heard weird shit happens there!
by K-Dogg1 June 17, 2019
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Mysterious dark beings that are seen resulting from sleep deprivation, hallucinogens (mainly deliriants) or potent stimulant use (such as meth), mental illness, or even possibly an actually real paranormal phenomenon.
I couldn't go to sleep, because the shadow people appeared in my bedroom, and they were scaring me.
by K-Dogg1 August 28, 2019
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I'm in a deep underground bunker listening to underground music while writing this.
by K-Dogg1 July 23, 2021
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