34 definitions by Justanotherguy

Disorder in the workplace where the person who does the least (if any) amount of work does the most complaining about "how busy" or "how crazy" the office is in order to garner sympathy from customers. The irony is that the person displaying Workplace Munchausen Syndrome looks like a fool to most of the people they whine to, since they are standing around whining while the workplace grinds on behind them, thus proving that they are irrelevant to the work being performed and/or the biggest slacker in the workplace.
Tami continuously complained about "how crazy" the workplace had been for the last six weeks, despite the fact that her inbox was full, her outbox was empty, and the customer she was complaining to was there to complain that she hadn't processed his check. She clearly has Workplace Munchausen Syndrome.
by Justanotherguy March 5, 2013
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An acronym that stands for "Sexual Harassment Investigation Team." Because as we all know, 99% of "sexual harassment" claims these days are, in fact, a crock of shit.
Suzy filed a sexual harassment claim against Bob because he said she looked hot in her new outfit. Sounds like a S.H.I.T. case if you ask me.
by Justanotherguy December 28, 2005
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Joe is such a sigma as he is emotionally stable and works hard ๐Ÿท๐Ÿ—ฟ
by Justanotherguy April 14, 2023
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A jerkoff. Derived from the fact that he has sex with socks and the crevices between couch cushions (perhaps both at the same time) because he's a dillhole. Not to be confused with a snake-maker.
Jack always brags about how many women he banged over the weekend, but everyone in his class knows he's just a sock-stuffer.
by Justanotherguy October 16, 2012
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Something so fucking predictable they could just record it and play the same tape over and over every day. It's always exactly the same, and ignores anything not within a 2-mile radius of the center of Providence.
"95 North is slow between Thurber's Avenue and the State Offices Exit, 195-westbound is backed up from Broadway to the I-95 split, 95 South is slow from Atwells Avenue to the 146-merge, 146 South you're on your brakes from Admiral Street to the 95 merge, and the 6-10 Connector is backed up to Dean Street...I'm Jim Stearns with your Wheelock Auto Rhode Island Traffic Report."
by Justanotherguy March 8, 2010
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The best vehicle man has invented, possibly a gift from the gods.
Biker guy: Hey can I pick u up on my ๐Ÿ๏ธ?
Cute girl: just marry me now ๐Ÿ˜
by Justanotherguy April 14, 2023
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Mental condition wherein human beings see other human beings as filthy animals while seeing dogs as their brothers, sisters, or, most often, children. Condition may cause said persons to do the following:

- become filled with outrage when a dog is killed, even accidentally; however, when humans are killed or abused, they turn a blind eye to it.

- bring their dogs into restaurants and supermarkets and become outraged when told that their pet doesn't belong there, insisting it is "a member of their family" and that the store is discriminating against them.

- pay thousands of dollars for their pets to have treatments for cancer, but bemoan human beings "running up huge hopsital bills for their family" when trying to survive cancer.

- make hilarious statements such as "I would rather heaven was full of dogs than people," not realizing that such would mean they wouldn't be there, either.

- feed their dog from their dinner table and even let the dog take stuff right off of their plate, but get mad if someone "breaches protocol" by eating with their fingers or putting their elbows on the table.

It is important to note that Canine Dysfunction is not limited to dog owners, but can also affect the owners of any other type of house pet, both common and uncommon, in a similar fashion with regard to their animal of choice.
Some woman with canine dysfunction was carrying her poodle around the grocery store and made a huge scene when she was told that only Seeing-Eye Dogs were allowed in the store. It only got more awkward when she declared that she and her "child" were leaving and would be talking to a lawyer about a discrimination suit.
by Justanotherguy October 16, 2012
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