13 definitions by JuliaMarie

The elvish word for friend.
It is also the password (and answer to the riddle) to the Doors of Durin.
"Gandalf! What's the elvish word for friend?" "Mellon."
by JuliaMarie February 8, 2010
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someone who whore's themself out for food
"If you buy me a gatorade ill give you a good time this weekend. I'm a snack slut."
by JuliaMarie February 7, 2007
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When "cleaning", simply taking the assorted mess of objects strewn across the center of the room, and moving them to the sides of the room. This creates the illusion of clean space in the room.
"My mom told me to clean my room but that will take hours, if i do some BS cleaning it will only take me five minutes!"
by JuliaMarie November 7, 2007
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similar to penmanship, only when typing online.
"i have excellent penmanship, aswell as typemanship"
by JuliaMarie May 20, 2008
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The sensitivity to being poked. Similar to being ticklish, this occurs when someone pokes your sides or anywhere else on the body that may produce a squirmish response
I'm so poklish i jump whenever i get poked in the side
by JuliaMarie May 31, 2009
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An exclamation describing something awesome. A synonym for "cool". When spoken, is pronounced like "Sowce!"
"Taco Bell gave us a free drink! Sauce!"
by JuliaMarie February 8, 2010
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