5 definitions by Joshua Partanious

TURDARCHY- an extremely poor, annoying, confusing, or disruptive public display of chaotic behavior by one or more people, wildlife, pets, etc.
There’s a meat is murder demonstration going on up the street and there’s fried chicken flying around everywhere. It’s total TURDARCHY.
by Joshua Partanious April 27, 2021
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A group of girls at a bar (or any other public place) who suddenly break out into simultaneous loud laughter and hollering for an unknown reason.
The bar was pretty quiet until those girls over there began their femuddling!
by Joshua Partanious July 25, 2012
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A wiener, vagina, or boob photo sent as a text or email message to show off ones “naughty bits.”
Nadja sent me a PERVERTISEMENT of her vagina and boobs to get me to come over and get a closer look.
by Joshua Partanious October 13, 2020
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Marriage of the words “snarky” and sarcasm. It is a form of sarcasm that is not your typical “dry” sarcasm. It adds the snarky “punch” that makes it insulting, discouraging, or downright mean towards an individual or organized group of individuals.
You’re throwing SNARCASM at a guy who’s just trying to get an honest laugh?
by Joshua Partanious September 26, 2020
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It is a remote control. A close friend of mine used to call the remote control (also known as a clicker) a Zotter. My wife thinks I'm crazy because she's never heard that before. I think We're all wrong.
Hand me the Zotter so I can change channels and see Magnum P.I.
by Joshua Partanious December 13, 2014
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