10 definitions by Jordon

Evil painting man who came to life to envelope the world into another dimension. Bill Murray kicked his butt.
"It's Viggo!"
by Jordon December 12, 2003
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Crazy, oftentimes nonsensical user of GameFAQs known for over 50 submitted reviews and constant notifications.
Currently found on the message board Life, the Universe, and Everything

1. A person who is without sense.

2. A Virus for the Palm OS, the first known virus for Palm.
"That guy is a real phange, I wish he'd start talking about grown-up things"
"Crap, I got Phange on my Palm 180"
by Jordon December 10, 2003
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1. Math invented by Sir Isaac Newton in the 17th century. Involves calculating "limits", numbers that are normally unable to be calculated except through differentiation.

2. The mathematics of Limits and Derivatives.

3. A freakin' impossible math class. Calculus AB is too hard, BC is impossible.
"I hate Newton, he should shove Calculus up his ass, the wanker"
by Jordon December 10, 2003
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