20 definitions by Jess Hanch & Nikkii Rodrigues

used in place of shut up when someone interrupts you in the middle of an important story because it sounds more authoritative

hanch: ::telling story of amazing amylee dream::
nikkii: "oh that reminds me..."
hanch: "HEY SHUT IT PAL!"
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when you lick your arm and the overpowering stench of chlorine burns your nostrils.
you can tell that jess hanch and nikkii rodrigues are swimmers because of the lick-and-sniff task.
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when someone doesn't have the guts to do something.

For effective use: obnoxiously yell “NO BALLS” when someone is attempting to explain their reason why not to do something totally stupid.
nikkii: "but i don't want to eat an ant"
hanch: "NO BALLS!!!"
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1.) hey can you pass me the clicker
2.) youre clicker is so obnoxious it makes me want to eat younglings
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hanch: "hey nikkii spell I-hop and then say 'ness' at the end"
nikkii: ::thinks about I+h+o+p+ness:: "i ate chyo penis.....WOA THATS HILLARIOUS!"
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