3 definitions by Jeff Jism

A good friend of a good friend. Even if you tend to hang out in the same circles often, this person would only qualify as more of an acquaintance.

Not someone you would desire to hang out with alone. Either because you only talk to the person large group settings and never really directly bonded, or because it's someone with whom you share nothing in common (other than a similar friend) and it would be awkward and uncomfortable to spend time alone together.

Most often it is a significant other's best friend.
"Nah, I don't see Megan anymore ever since Dave moved away. She was only a friend-in-law anyway."
by Jeff Jism November 6, 2007
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Did you do the PVI or just have OG?
by Jeff Jism July 7, 2005
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PVI is the textbook definition of sexual intercourse. It stands for Penis-Vagina Intercourse.

Other types of contact are PAI and OG
Look at Rich and Karen on the dancefloor. They are totally going to do the PVI tonight.
by Jeff Jism July 7, 2005
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