4 definitions by Jakarta Gentleman

A Kilgallon is a pre-metric measure of liquid (typically beer) which is equivalent to approximately 4000 quarts.
Fark my head is throbbing today. Must have drunk a Kilgallon of Dutch style Pilsner last night
by Jakarta Gentleman December 12, 2017
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When you go to the pub and there is a long haired Indian guy who keeps buying you drinks until you are so drunk you don’t even remember your own name. Being Sudeshed usually results in a serious hangover the following day or so
Mate you look rough today what happened to you?

Ah I went out last night and was completely Sudeshed
by Jakarta Gentleman November 10, 2017
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To Pull a Jamesy is to confirm your attendance at an upcoming social engagement or event, and to the pull out at the last minute. Often without paying the organiser for the cost of tickets that they had purchased on your behalf.
I thought The Bogan was coming today as well. He seemed fully keen, what the hell happened?

He got Sudeshed last night and he’s decided to Pull a Jamesy. Already paid for the fucking tickets too.
by Jakarta Gentleman November 10, 2017
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To Deadpool the chat group is to leave a group so many times that Zucc’s Anti-bullying mechanism prevents you from being re-added resulting in an entire new chat group being set up to accommodate the individual
Mitch is such a numpty, he Deadpooled the chat group and now we have to set up a whole new one. Anyone remember who is in this JGC group?
by Jakarta Gentleman July 11, 2018
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