4 definitions by Jack star

The act of masturbating using ones own excrement for lubrication. Often performed (But not limmited to) on a toilet or in a shower.
1. The filthy bastard was pulling a chabs in my living room.

2. Go chabs yourself dickhead.
by Jack star December 12, 2006
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An alcoholic drink that has been left unfinished. Multiple are often left by a person wishing to be recognized for drinking more than they are capable.
1. Who left this crampy last night?

2. Were there many beers left from the party? Nah just a heap of crampy's.

3. Where did your drink go? I crampy'd it.

4. Looks like we had a cramp at the party.
by Jack star December 12, 2006
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A person who has there friends do her homework. She is the devil and won’t let you win a fight. However sometimes a little good can shine through, she can help resolve problems in your life.
Omg your such a Christina, you don’t always do your work but your a major help to my mental well being.
by Jack star November 8, 2019
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A young Hispanic girl who loves to shop, eat sweets and drink coffee. She is a terrific person to know and can easily make a friend. However don’t cross her or your a goner.
Jessica’s usually come in pairs with a friend starting with the letter C.
Omg your so hyped over the school bake sale and are those a new pair of shoes, your such a Jessica.
by Jack star November 8, 2019
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