2 definitions by JNLMS

Southern Spanish city with an amazing good vibe. Due to its 320 sunny days a year, is considered the paradise for old dudes from Germany. Famous for its craft markets. People from Malaga are really proud of their city because their good environment and fresh fish restaurants . In Malaga there is a type of person called "malaguita" who usually hangs out every weekend to plaza de Mitjana and becomes the most religious person during Easter. Is well famous for be the birthplace of the famous artist Picasso. The city where Leticia and José found love.
Dude 1: Hey, where are you going wearing that "torero" (bull fighter) outfit?
Dude 2: I am going to Mitjana (Malaga) to drink rat poisonous alcohol

Jose: hey! Leticia I like your t-shirt, which brand is?
Leticia: Stop touching my nipple bro, we are in Malaga
by JNLMS November 3, 2017
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Sexy spanish guy with a culinary expertise on tuna-macarroni. The kind of guy with an homesexual name, but a women fucker. Specially good in surf and skate. A good friend of his friends.
Girl 1: Yesterday, I met a guy called Javito
Girl 2: Is he nice?

Girl 1: Yeah, but he farted all night
Girl 2: A typicall Javito
by JNLMS December 31, 2019
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