19 definitions by JDub

Hard, fearless, chin checcin, bitch slappin, who rolls with a clicc, doesn;t go down easy.
That homee got jumped and still walked home that's gangsta
by JDub December 13, 2002
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I shoved my trunk in her ass
by JDub March 9, 2003
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When you're going to throw your elbows in a mob
that dude is gonna catch my bows to his nose.
by JDub December 11, 2002
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That's a load of swogtrottle. kevin bacon never worked with Pauly Shore
by JDub September 26, 2003
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To leave a poker game due to a fear of losing money. This may be to prevent blowing an ass fuck.
I'm up 10 cents, I think I should just cameron out.
by JDub April 3, 2005
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"...does she have the budonkadonk butt?"
by JDub March 7, 2004
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