4 definitions by ItsKeggii

Something that is so wacky lookin', that it is incomprehensible to the entirety of humanity as we know it.
Wow, Sarah is such a fucking TEVOMNOQUAD
by ItsKeggii December 8, 2020
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Please review Urban Dictionary's content guidelines before writing your definition. Here's the short version: Share definitions that other people will find meaningful and never post hate speech or people’s personal information.
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by ItsKeggii December 8, 2020
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a term that your mom, boss, dad, and anyone superior to you will call any of your logical reasons for not doing something because they are a stupid bitch and can go eat a dick.
mom: did you pick up the dogs shit?

son: sorry mom, i broke my wrist on a lightpost and then fell into 20 thumbtacks that were covered in salt and hand sanitiser

mom: cut it with the fucking excuses!
by ItsKeggii December 8, 2020
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when your so bored you decide to type all of the keys from the top going to the right, and then the next two rows, going to the left, and then that but in reverse.
You: I'm so bored and i have nothing to do.
Urban Dictionary: Have you tried typing "qwertyuioplkjhgfdsamnbvcxz"?
You: yeah but it already exists as an entry, and i want to find something that noone has put in here yet.
Urban Dictionary: ok well do what i told you, but after you've typed it, type it again but in reverse.
by ItsKeggii January 25, 2021
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