2 definitions by Itchy Armpits

snookie punch

a cheap shot delivered from a male to a female. Named after Nicole, aka "Snookie," from MTV's reality show "Jersey Shore," who was the recipient of a vicious cheap shot from a drunk male.
Drunk Jim threw a snookie punch at Evelyn because she mocked his popped collar.
by Itchy Armpits December 23, 2009
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It's Just Business

An excuse for an amoral act in the name of achieving of greater fortune, most frequently & notably used by athletes backstabbing their organizations for more money or late-night television hosts taking back their former positions, all others be damned.
I don't know why my fans will feel betrayed that I signed a multi-year deal with a division rival; we all know it's just business.
by Itchy Armpits January 25, 2010
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