4 definitions by It is in my ass

Ur mum gay

Possibly the dumbest insult of all time, it can easily be countered by ‘no u’ but people still say it despite the fact that is has become obsolete
Dumbass: ur mum gay!
Normal and functioning person: no u
by It is in my ass September 26, 2018
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Put it in my ass

A meme on YouTube of a man playing with toys and saying the phrase ‘put it in my ass
Oh yeah! Put it in my ass!!!!
by It is in my ass August 26, 2018
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The almighty entity that invaded heaven and made god shit himself, yes eatpoo is even more powerful than god himself
Person 1: Uh oh eatpoo just invaded us
Person 2: Well I’m just gonna KMS
by It is in my ass September 26, 2018
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eat poo

Dumbest thing to ever say
Dumbass:Let’s eat poo!
Normal person: no KYS
by It is in my ass September 26, 2018
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