5 definitions by Irtehleetbob.
crap >_< I lost again ;_;
by Irtehleetbob. December 16, 2002
Internet Error. Error Code 403 meaning "Forbidden access - you do not have permission to view this webpage"
403 - You do not have permission to view this file/folder/server, please contact the server admin, and/or your ISP for more details.
by Irtehleetbob. December 16, 2002
Term spawned on the internet, has many meanings. I use it as an alternative to "hi" When i say "hoy" But if i go "HOY!" Its more like "DAMN!" or "WOW!"
by Irtehleetbob. December 16, 2002
asdf, the first 4 letters in the home row. Commonly used by internet newbs to either spam a board, create topics, or "remind" another user that they are there and existant, demanding attention.
by Irtehleetbob. December 16, 2002
by Irtehleetbob. December 16, 2002