4 definitions by IroncladExplorer

Charlie Spring

Why are you looking this up?
Just read the fucking book.
His sister Tori Spring is pretty pog
Me: hey did you read Heartstopper
Person: no
Me: Charlie Spring = gay
Person: pog
by IroncladExplorer February 27, 2021
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27th of May

Person: It's the 27th of may
Me: That's my birthday

Person: I don't care you dumb-fuck
by IroncladExplorer December 14, 2020
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Sheen's Depression

He felt like Ultra-Lord, now he's Ultra-bored.
Been feeling so damn low he might just pull the fucking cord
Carl: hey Sheen how are you today.
Sheen: I don't know I feel ultra-bored and depressed, they should name a depression about me called Sheen's Depression
by IroncladExplorer February 27, 2021
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Daylesford is a small town in Victoria, Australia.
If you're looking this up you probably live there or thinking about going there on holiday.

It's considered the gayest town in Australia.
Homophobe: Your gay
Daylesford-er: Yeah, I live in Daylesford
Homophobe: Oh, fuck, your straight.
Daylesford-er: what the fuck dude how could you say that
by IroncladExplorer December 14, 2020
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