3 definitions by Imagipioneer

v. to radiate with joy.
bliss + glisten
The ecstatic award winner positively blissened as she gave her acceptance speech.
by Imagipioneer January 29, 2004
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n. - a musical condition where one is so concerned about playing a beautiful melody that one plays too softly to be heard - literally, the melody eating itself.
When the cantabilistic pianist played the Moonlight Sonata, the people in the back rows of the auditorium simply got up and left.
by Imagipioneer January 29, 2004
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n. - a musician who sacrifices his/her sound quality for the sake of energetic articulation.
The clarinet teacher shook his head as the student overblew his reed and said "Stop being such a macatyr! This is not marching band!"
by Imagipioneer January 29, 2004
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