185 definitions by Ian Chode

To be drunk. After UK TV "celebrity" Keith Chegwin.
I wasn't just a bit drunk, I was completely Chegwinned.
by Ian Chode February 15, 2004
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Beverage served to those engaged in felching, an intoxicating and heady mix of faeces and gentlemens jelly.
Michael drank a shithole shandy straight from Dale's botty - Graham stayed standing!
by Ian Chode May 23, 2003
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He was promoted to rear admiral
by Ian Chode March 20, 2004
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Spanish for turnip, which in Gibraltar at least can be used to mean dick. Correct spelling is nabo.
by Ian Chode April 2, 2003
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Similar to oy oy in the UK, but with more sexual overtones. A greeting of recognition, or said to one's friends regarding an attractive member of the opposite sex.
by Ian Chode September 14, 2003
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She bangs like a shithouse door when the plague's in town.
by Ian Chode April 3, 2003
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