15 definitions by I don't say "bleh bleh-bleh"!

The ancient Georgian script that has 38 letters, each with two cases (capitals (Asomtavruli) and lowercase (Nuskhuri)). There are some supporters of Khutsuri out there.
Article 1 of the UDHR in Georgian (written in Khutsuri)
Ⴗⴣⴄⴊⴀ ⴀⴃⴀⴋⴢⴀⴌⴈ ⴈⴁⴀⴃⴄⴁⴀ ⴒⴀⴅⴈⴑⴓⴎⴀⴊⴈ ⴃⴀ ⴒⴀⴌⴀⴑⴜⴍⴐⴈ ⴒⴀⴅⴈⴑⴈ ⴖⴈⴐⴑⴄⴁⴈⴒⴀ ⴃⴀ ⴓⴔⴊⴡⴁⴄⴁⴈⴇ. Ⴋⴀⴒ ⴋⴈⴌⴈⴝⴄⴁⴓⴊⴈ ⴀⴉⴍⴣⴇ ⴂⴍⴌⴄⴁⴀ ⴃⴀ ⴑⴈⴌⴃⴈⴑⴈ ⴃⴀ ⴄⴐⴇⴋⴀⴌⴄⴒⴈⴑ ⴋⴈⴋⴀⴐⴒ ⴓⴌⴃⴀ ⴈⴕⴚⴄⴍⴃⴌⴄⴌ ⴛⴋⴥⴁⴈⴑ ⴑⴓⴊⴈⴑⴉⴣⴄⴒⴄⴁⴈⴇ.

(Translation: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. )
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A type of gemstone of what the CEL is made of
Flavoured Pen: "So what are you made of?"
CEL: "Elementalite."
Tropical Leaf: *gasp*
Flavoured Pen: "You were a legend!"
Ocean Coin: "That's a rare gemstone, man!"
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A shower and a bath at the same time.
"I've been needing to take a shath for so long."
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Staying and leaving at the stay time.
EUball: "What are you doing?"
UKball: "I'm... steaving. Yeah, steaving."
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The Qaramistos are hybrid creatures of Pingasorian legends. They are said to be guardians of the peoples' homes, because they bring gifts to loved ones and take revenge on those who threaten them. Their colors depend on what type of they're based on.

- Red for reptiles (lizards, snakes, crocodiles, turtles, etc.)
- Yellow for carnivorans (tigers, bears, wolves, seals, etc.)
- Green for ungulates (cattle, giraffes, elephants, rhinos, etc.)
- Blue for sea creatures (sharks, whales, dolphins, octopuses, etc.)
- Purple for birds (eagles, hawks, turkeys, owls, etc.)
- Pink for amphibians (frogs, toads, newts, salamanders)
- Orange for rodents (rats, beavers, porcupines, squirrels, etc.) as well as rabbits, hedgehogs, shrews, bats, moles, and hyraxes
- Brown for primates (monkeys, apes, gorillas, lemurs, etc.)
- Cyan for arthropods (insects, beetles, scorpions, shrimps, etc.)
- Gold for marsupials (kangaroos, koalas, possums, bandicoots, etc.)
- Gray for xenarthrans (armadillos, sloths, anteaters) as well as pangolins and aardvarks
- Tan for monotremes (echidnas, platypuses)
You know what the Pingasorians say: "Resqeđ pür los Qaramistos!" That means "Saved by the Qaramistos!"
by I don't say "bleh bleh-bleh"! January 28, 2020
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The Cube of the Elements of Life, the ultimate weapon of the world of Elementasia.
"You've used the power of the CEL well!"
by I don't say "bleh bleh-bleh"! January 16, 2019
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