511 definitions by I Saw U2 Live Twice

it's how everyone on the planet spells the word "color" except us Yanks, thanks to the spelling reforms of Noah Webster.
1. I was watching TV in my hotel room late at night in Niagara Falls, Canada. I could get American and Canadian TV signals there because I was at the border. There was an ad for Clairol with some lovely chicks showcasing their hair. Next to a lovely babe with long red hair was the logo: it said "Clairol Colour Treatment". I was watching an ad on Canadian TV.

2. At Oakes Parks in the Niagara area I was having a nice discussion with a Canuck lady. She said that I must be an American because I said "out" as opposed to "ewt". I said that yes I'm a Yank and that I spell "colour" with 5 letters, not 6.

3. Cyndi Lauper had a hit in 1986 with "True Colors". In 1998 Phil Collins released his version of it, respelling it as "True Colours" beings that he is British.

3. "Any Colour You Like" is a synthesizer-heavy instrumental by Pink Floyd.

4. The TA for one of my college classes is a Canadian. He says that American spelling for words like "catalogue" becoming "catalog" and dropping the "u" in "colour" to make "color" is a sign of laziness. Hey, it eliminates excess baggage. It's called "simplifying". That's the American way, fella!

5. Eeeeeeeeeyeww! What's your favorite color baby? ... LIVING COLOUR.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice May 23, 2009
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1. a refreshing bubbly soft drink that is loaded with jet fuel!

2. the reason why the Beatles changed the name of their epic album to Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.

3. said soft drink company that made a bet and did their best to weasel out of it.
1. I'm a Pepper, he's a Pepper, she's a Pepper, we're a Pepper, would you like to be a Pepper too? Be a Pepper. Drink Dr. Pepper.

2. Dr. Pepper got promoted to Seargeant.

3. Last year I got to listen to the entire Guns N Roses catalog online, including the too-often-delayed long-awaited-and-overdue new album "Chinese Democracy". It's a really good album, it kicks some major ass and has a lot of diversity in the songs. Just don't take so long next time, OK fellas?
After hearing the last track there was a link taking me to "drpepper.com". Dr. Pepper made a bet: if the new GNR album was released last year then EVERYONE in America would get a free drink. There was a time limit window for this, however. You had to hit a link to register in order to get a coupon (to be printed) good for a FREE 20 oz. bottle of Dr. Pepper. I couldn't get ON there! I was on hold FOREVER. Apparently so were many other people. The corporation heads decided to "extend" the time window by a few hours. When I FINALLY got on the desired page there was a message that said that I was too late - the window of opportunity had expired by 15 minutes! Lemme see, we have over 265 million people in the United States so that would mean how many drinks...
by I Saw U2 Live Twice September 24, 2009
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1. someone who roams the city streets who has magical powers to get what he/she wants

2. a song from Van Halen's self-titled debut album that describes such a person. Check out Eddie Van Halen's really boss guitar work on that track.

3. a video game that was released in the early 90s. Similar in setup and play to the 80s game "Dig Dug".
1. I'm bad. I'm the atomic punk.

2. No one rules these streets at night but me!
Nobody! Bleaaaaaauuuggghhhh!
The atomic punk!

3. I went to the Flamingo arcade today and played "Atomic Punk".
by I Saw U2 Live Twice June 18, 2007
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Pink Floyd is one of the most intelligent rock bands in the business. This British psychedelic band put on the best shows in the universe. Mind-tripping music with deep lyrics concerning life, the human condition and more - asking questions that have no easy answers. Disbanded earlier this year after over 40 years of great music.
Ignorant Conservative Christian/Fundamentalist:
Pink Floyd music glories the drug culture.

You're always shooting off the mouth about things that you know nothing about. You should listen to the lyrics more. Pink Floyd plays intelligent rock, so GO TO FUCKING HELL YOU STUPID DUMB-BUTT IGNORANT FANATIC!
by I Saw U2 Live Twice June 19, 2006
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an overrated operatic so-called classic by the disbanded British rock group Queen. It originally hit in 1975 - 1976 and again in 1992. It is very pompous and is an example of why punk rock came to being in the mid-1970s.
Bohemian Rhapsody is one of those songs that some record execs declare to be a "classic" and the public follows along with it, like sheep. Queen has done plenty of much better songs than this. Check out their "The Game" album, it's real good rockin' Queen.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice May 24, 2007
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a nice way to tell someone to go soak your head, go shed some skin, get lost, get bent, and well, you know what I mean.
Scalper: I got U2 tickets at $800 - $900 a pop!

Curt: Go suck an egg!
by I Saw U2 Live Twice January 14, 2008
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GBH means "Great Bodily Harm".
Larry's leather jacket has several punk slogans on it, including the phrase GBH.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice September 20, 2007
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