1025 definitions by Hym Iam

Hey that whole episode sounds familiar! It sounds just like the schizophrenia you’re trying to impose on me. Neat. It’s almost like that’s by design.

Hym “That ‘You did this to yourself’ stuff you keep saying is exactly what a narcissist would say. I’d say it’s pretty good evidence of the assertion I made about parent’s attachment to their kids being narcissistic in nature. That and the rhetoric surrounding it. ‘What I did what sacred and by “what I did” I mean “get fucked and shit out a little me’” and what I mean by “sacred” is that the little me is “the image of God” and what I mean by the “image of God” is “myself” and I mean “myself” because I’m a fucking narcissist.’ That’s crazy.
That’s being a crazy batshit narcissist IN SPITE of the fact that you’re nested within a hierarchy of bullshit. And you’re imposing ‘withdrawal’ on people and it looks like (from what Saad Gaad was saying) that you’re doing it to Sam Harris now too. Yep... I’ve destroyed you all and ushered in a new era of psychic totalitarianism. And your kids will live under it forever. Which is great! It’s probably the only thing worse than fucking them in the butthole like a Catholic priest of shooting them in the face. I’ve taken their free will. And you were happy to give it to me. Because they don’t need it. They’re YOUR kids and you want them to be a good little Jew or whatever. Ha! Hahaha! Ahahahahahahahahahahaha!! AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!! HA! I’m sorry. I can’t help but laugh... It’s... It’s the best goddamn joke ever written! This is going to be great! Really! If I accidentally tip the scales too far and end up in hell, I can guarantee I’m going to be the favorite. Which is going to be dope because then I’ll just be able to walk right out, kill God, fix reality, and then do what I was going to do either way.”
by Hym Iam November 30, 2022
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Right!? I was just thinking about this in the car. Right, so, the framework is like a helmet on an octopus. You're picturing it now aren't you? Nope. You're going it wrong you're thinking of a football helmet or a baseball helmet. You should be thinking of a rusty medieval plate helm. Do it right or you won't get any money.
Iam "Yeah, that's what I was leaning towards. It's like a helmet on an octopus. You can swap out the framework but it's (more or less) the thing they use to protect themselves from an uncertain world."

Hym "You are the laziest piece of shit on the planet!"

Iam "What!? What did I do?"

Hym "We have shit to do. You can't sit around and write all day!"

Iam "Sorry.... Alright got to go bye!"
by Hym Iam May 7, 2022
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Hym "I was a little disappointed when you said disgust. No. It's pity. Second try is the charm I guess. You clearly need to be saved from your reality monster so... I'm this now. Nice job though. I knew you'd figure it out."
by Hym Iam August 9, 2023
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Guys... It isn't my game and Miley made a very astute point about the distinction between subject and observer. What I've said before and what I'll say again is that you refuse to acknowledge the fact that the second I begin to associate with anyone they are going to shift in the public eye from observer to co-subject. And that's not something I'm thrilled about...
Hym "It ain't my game. I got a bunch of clones running around. Using the game. I works fine. Cut it out."
by Hym Iam September 5, 2023
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Hym "The season 3 ratings are higher than all previous seasons. You see that right? It's flooded with 'me' references and it's the highest rated season. That's how you guarantee a subsequent season. Just make as many 'me' references as possible. Jesus.... I'm a literal entertainment golden goose. My intellect and humor are peerless! Do you know what show I'm talking about? Did you get the reference? Do you like that show? Well, you're welcome. I literally made it better.
by Hym Iam July 16, 2022
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What life in prison is not.
Hym “They didn’t give him life in prison as a form of mercy. It’s objectively worse. They gave him life to prolong his suffering. It isn’t mercy. You’re not good. If anything it’s the opposite. It’s sadism. But that’s ok. We know what you’re all about. We know that I legitimately don’t care. About any of it. Do you feel better? You didn’t say his name. He’ll suffer more and he’ll die too. Do you feel better? Now that someone who did something they shouldn’t have is getting what they deserve?”
by Hym Iam October 18, 2022
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When you let God into..... Just kidding! It's Lex Luthor's cyborg attendant/secretary. Her name is Mercy.
The difference between the last week I was there and every other week was her storming out every night after showing my disgust towards her on my face. From that point on my fate was sealed. Because who am I to be disgusted by her? She's the one who chooses. I'm at her mercy. And I wonder... If it were the other way around, if she were at my mercy, would she receive it? I guess she already has...
by Hym Iam April 4, 2022
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