29 definitions by Holly M S

(noun) the sum of a person's smarm in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences. Smarm+Karma
by Holly M S May 15, 2010
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when text responsiveness is patchy
You know I'm text-sketchy between 3-8 because I'm dealing with the kids. Best to text me later.
by Holly M S December 8, 2010
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the part of a woman's anatomy where the hair triangle exists--if not shaved or shaped--forming a "V" as her hip dip goes down to the "mons veneris"
Becky, if you plan to wear that little bikini, I suggest you get some wax work on your She-V. 'Girl needs some work done.
by Holly M S June 30, 2010
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|fās-boŏk-stərˈbā t-ing|

to "like" one's own posts and comments perpetually; to give oneself pleasure by constantly "liking" your own posts and comments on Facebook
Did you see Cole's comments? He's totally facebooksterbating himself on everything he posts.

Nicole's crazy with all her self-liking quotes, an embarrassing display of public facebooksterbating.
by Holly M S January 25, 2012
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(noun) online corrections that modify the appearance of a physical feature in a photograph. IE, Photoshop.
"Before you put that pic on FaceBook, you better cyber surgery my turkey neck."
by Holly M S May 22, 2010
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the belief in legitimate scientifically-proven pharmaceuticals as an answer to illness and disease instead of hoo-doo voo-doo homeopathic nonsense.
You keep drinking water and downing Gingko if you want, but *my* ass is going to an actual doctor for some pharmeopathic treatment.
by Holly M S June 13, 2010
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An ass so perfect that it makes the person looking at it want to growl aloud & assault it, as if angry.

An ass so beautiful that it demands attention, like an angry patron.
My husband says he married me for my angry ass.
by Holly M S May 12, 2010
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