19 definitions by Hiro Protagonist

"Look at me! I post on kuro5hit! Time to go cut myself with a razor because daddy touched my hoooch-hole when I was five! After that, I'm going to go write dark, narcissistic poetry on my laptop that daddy bought me cos he touched my choch again when I was 13! To end my magnificant day, I'll post about all of my problems with the world, and bitch about how no one loves me on my blog!"

-A (would-be) quote from Kuro5hite neophyte "Stick". (could also have been posted by King of Prusia, or the aforementioned RonaldReagan3).
by Hiro Protagonist February 17, 2004
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A person with an American Serviceman, either Civilian or Military, of ANY ethnicity or nationality for a father and an Asian or Pacific islander for a mother; the offspring, child or direct descendant of such a relationship, whether married or unmarried. Also: in very rare occasions the genders of the parents may be reversed, i.e. the product of an American servicewoman and Asian male.

Literally, American + Asian = Amerasian
His father was an African-American soldier and his mother was Korean woman. See the main character of the book SNOW CRASH by Neal Stephenson.
by Hiro Protagonist February 22, 2004
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1. Verb: To fuck with the mind/head, to toy with ones thoughts of reality; to cause a state of confusion and befuddlement.

2. Noun: A brainfuck -- something that brainfucks.

3. Adj.: An object that possesses qualities or traits that brainfuck.
1. Man, Hideaki Anno brainfucked me this time!

2. That brainfuck of an anime will have me contemplaiting its meaning in my dark, dark room for days...

3. That Evangelion movie sure was a brainfucker, eh Wang?
by Hiro Protagonist February 17, 2004
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An anime movie, origionally released in 1998 (?). Directed by Anime god Hayao Miyazaki, the film bombed in US thearters. Now, considered one of the greatest animated films of all time.
Fuck anyone who disagrees.
by Hiro Protagonist February 17, 2004
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A song by Threebrain. w00.
by Hiro Protagonist February 17, 2004
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