12 definitions by High Priest in the Manner of Melchezidek

Gossip was taking the place of serious literary discussion in the book club; it was turning into a real cat chat.
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Code word for an incompetent doctor or medical facility.
Her shitty boob-job was done "elsewhere".

(note: when uttering this word in the manner as described above, it is imperative that one always remember to use "air quotes").
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Musically, the Australian version of an (awful) Elvis impersonator; also see: "Thirty Odd Foot of Grunt"
Listening to Russell Crowe's music band, "Thirty Odd Foot of Grunt" certainly makes me wish that Russell would've simply stuck to acting.
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1. An unusual form of summer squash
2. A clitoris
definition 2: Dolly loved nothing so much as the times she spent in the bathtub, tickling her chayote.
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