3 definitions by HeartzNDiamondz

A psychotic male, usually a little boy or teenager, that claims to be a woman; sometimes even refers to himself in third-person.
John: Hey is that really a girl in our group chat? Kinda seems a tad crazy, and keeps calling herself by her name.

Adam: Nah bro, that's a Shiro.

John: That's why she, I mean he, never talks or uses video chat. Damn I hate little kids!
by HeartzNDiamondz December 19, 2014
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A fat kid who sits on his computer all day; sometimes the reason being because they are socially awkward and possibly dropped out of school.
Stan: Hey Joe, how come David never leaves his house to hang out?

Joe: Cause he sits on his computer all day playing video games, because he has no education.

Stan: Oh, so he is a butterball?

Joe: Ya boy he a buttaball.
by HeartzNDiamondz December 19, 2014
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(n) someone or something that is childish

(adj) describes someone or something that is childish
1. She is such a genko sometimes. (n)

2. She is going through a genko phase. (adj)
by HeartzNDiamondz April 22, 2015
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