25 definitions by Haywood Jablowme Ben Dover

Short for bullshit, used by some zoomers, or people who don't want to swear, or those realize what they are about to say. Fairly rare.
Hey, did you hear about that guy who bashed up a small town in a homemade tank made from a bulldozer?
That's fucking bull, bro.
It actually happened!
Ok, I get it, but dude, google it, it's real.
(Google Killdozer for more information)
by Haywood Jablowme Ben Dover October 2, 2023
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Penis means efforted in Esperanto, the made up language that takes random words from all over the world. Don't believe me? type efforted into Google Translate, English to Esperanto.
Efforted in Esperanto is penis, look it up on Google translate
by Haywood Jablowme Ben Dover August 16, 2023
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A “meme” enjoyed solely by retarded 8 year olds, and the easy sign of a little kid on the internet
A retarded 8 year old: Posts image of Baby Yoda with the scumbag Steve hat, a gun, laser eyes, smoking cannabis, and a glass of chocolate milk, with amogus and XOK in the background, captioned “HERE, HAVE SOME CHOCCY MILK BECAUSE YOU ARE EPIC”
Everyone else: *punches hole in computer screen* This is the dumbest retarded shit Ive seen in my life. *pours rubbing alcohol into eyes*
by Haywood Jablowme Ben Dover August 9, 2023
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Resembles a sideways among us character, it even has the oxygen tank, but in many fonts it does not look as good as other ways to type Crewmate, such as ඞ. It looks great in arial font, however.
The glyph is made from a variant of the Greek letter Rho and the Cyrillic letter Zemlya (Ze) with a hook.
by Haywood Jablowme Ben Dover October 18, 2023
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A word invented by the character Murky in the childrens' book series "Origami Yoda" for things that are so bad that there is no word in the English language that could describe how fucking god-awful something is.
Extra s's can be added to describe things that are even more nostrul: NOSSSSSSSSSTRUL
Example A: Dammit, there was something up with that milk. It was even worse than you could ever expect spoiled milk to be. In fact, it may be on the verge of NOSTRUL-ness.
Example B: There's something that smells nosssssssssstrul out there, like, worse than if 42069 skunks sprayed at the same time, shat a mountain, and coated the air in a dense layer of sulfur particles.
by Haywood Jablowme Ben Dover December 24, 2021
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A highly offensive, but worth watching for the shock, parody of "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" that uses plastic figurines. Thirty minutes long, it copies the original 1964 Christmas special's plot surprisingly accurately, aside from feeling like it was made by the guys who did south park (but somehow even more fucked-up.) I will not give any spoilers at all for the sake of preserving the look horror that will be on your face. Make sure to tell your friends about it too, and soon the whole world will collapse into chaos due to this stupid video. And God (who will rinse his eyes out from seeing you watch this) forbid anyone sees you watching this.
Rudolph the five-legged reindeer... had a very... ok, I'll stand by my word and not sing the rest.
by Haywood Jablowme Ben Dover September 15, 2023
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