5 definitions by Guitarbob

The act of stealing a song from a guitar god, and not giving him any credit for it. Usually ends in a lawsuit after the plagerist ignores months of repeated attempts by the original songwriter to resolve the issue out of court. Coldplagerism is usually commited by over-rated douchebag musicians who are not talented enough to write a decent song on their own. Typically the stolen song will be renamed after a Spanish painting, the guitar chords are usually replaced with a crappy synthesized version, and the guitar melody is replaced with whiny vocals sung by a talentless hack.

Whether of not the courts decide to crack down on the growing problem of coldplagerism remains to be seen.

Chris Martin : "Writing music is too hard, I'll steal a song from Joe Satriani and do a cheap knock-off of it. Nobody will catch my attempt at coldplagerism"

by Guitarbob December 12, 2008
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When your music gets stolen by some lame ass u2 wannabes.
Hey those lame ass posers are playing a song that sounds like one you wrote years ago. I think you just got coldplayed.
by Guitarbob December 13, 2008
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Foamy water with a small amount of alcohol added. Anything you might taste while drinking is purely imaginary.
The unfortunate party guests ran out of real beer, and were forced to drink bud light the rest of night.
by Guitarbob December 13, 2008
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The act of stealing a song from a guitar god, and not giving him any credit for it. Usually ends in a lawsuit after the plagiarist ignores months of repeated attempts by the original songwriter to resolve the issue out of court. Coldplagiarism is commited by over-rated douchebag musicians who are not talented enough to write a decent song of their own. Typically the stolen song will be renamed after a Spanish painting, the guitar chords are usually replaced with a crappy synthesized version, and the guitar melody is replaced with whiny vocals sung by a talentless hack.

Whether or not the courts decide to crack down on the growing problem of coldplagiarism remains to be seen.
Chris Martin : "Writing music is too hard, I'll just steal a song from Joe Satriani and do a cheap knock-off of it. Nobody will catch my attempt at coldplagiarism.
by Guitarbob December 12, 2008
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A sad individual obsessed with anything Japanese. They usually spend the day listening awful Japanese pop bands while masterbating to pictures of sailor moon. Overtime most Japanophiles recover from their obsession, and simply try to forget that part of their past.
The japanophile suddenly realizing how lame anime is, reacted in a way only a true japanophile would, by ritualisticly killing himself with a samurai sword.
by Guitarbob December 14, 2008
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